eMule v0.50a Zzul-Tra v1.6

eMule Zzul是著名的eMule mod,并自成一派,有很多基于zzul的mod存在,不过作者zz已经一年多没有更新,最后版本是eMule 0.49c ZZUL 20090222-2320。在官方论坛出没的modder morph4u昨日发布了eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.6,Zzul-Tra在保持zzul原有特色的基础上,增加了一些新的功能,代码也更新到0.50a。

eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.6官方论坛发布帖:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=151357

eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.2-1.6一些增加的功能:

  • 隐藏模式[TPT/MoNKi]
  • 新的菜单栏,可以在preferences.ini文件设置NewMenu=0或1关闭或开启
  • 快速启动[Xanatos]
  • 好友备注[CB Mod]
  • 聊天记录[CB Mod]
  • A4AF统计,在用户名前面[sivka]
  • 来源缓存[Xman/Spike2]
  • 全局硬性限制 [MaxUpload/Stulle]
  • 一个新的工具条背景
  • 一个小巧的启动闪屏
  • 更多请看详细日志…


eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.6
帮助 | eMule官方 | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 | eMule-Mods.de | 插件主页
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.6_Bin.rar 查源 2.71MB
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.6_Src.compile.ready_emule_vc71-all.sln.rar 查源 33.53MB
[?]: [?]:, 36.24MB


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.6


Add: Invisible Mode [TPT/MoNKi]
Add: New menu bar now switchable in preferences.ini NewMenu=0 or 1
Change: Force upload slot client is excluded from drop blocking clients
Fix: Force upload slot client was not automatic disabled

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.5


Add: Splash Extended lite [Xman/dolphinx]
Add: Compression Choosing [Xman]
Add: SaveFU [WiZaRd]
Add: Auto Server Disconnect (time adjustable in preferences.ini/default 20min.)
Add: QuickStart [Xanatos]
Add: Force Upload Slot (only with slotfocus) [KTS]
Add: Auto Restart If Necessary [Xanatos]
Add: New Toolbar Icons (switchable to default in Options-Gerneral)
Add: Color and modversion to file feedback
Add: New menu bar [dolphinx]
Add: File Status Icons (adjustable in view menu)
Change: Preferences window modeless [Xanatos]
Change: SOTN bar color from yellow to white
Change: Preview menu
Change: Remove Debug Log [dolphinx]
Remove: First time wizard
Remove: Connection wizard
Remove: Menu icons
Remove: Copy html stats
Remove: PeerCache [dolphinx]

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.4


Add: ClientAnalyzer [WiZaRd]
Remove: CreditSystemType (Fine CS) [CB Mod]
Add: Powershare to Shared dir tree
Change: Made some lines in Client detail dialog copyable
Add: Compat Client Stats [Stulle]
Add: ModID Stats [Slugfiller]
Add: Auto Drop Immunity (5 min.) [Stulle]
Add: Show IP Filter Hits [dolphinx]
Add: Drop blocking clients [Stulle]
Add: Slot control
Add: Global Hard Limit [MaxUpload/Stulle]
Add: Friendslot Addon icon [SiRoB]
Add: Intelligent SOTN per file (eMuleFuture 1.0 Public Beta2) [WiZaRd]
Add: ICS [enkeyDEV/WiZaRd]
Add: AntiHideOS [netfinity/WiZaRd]
Add: Don’t draw hidden Rect [SiRoB]
Remove: UploadDiskreaderThread
Add: Auto Variable Compression [Xman/NetF]
Fix: Broken versionscheck link in logbox
Change: Display current uploading chunk [SiRoB]
Add: SharedView Ed2kType [Avi3k]
Remove: Chunk dots
Add: File Feedback [WiZaRd]
Add: Advanced official preferences to preferences.ini [leuk_he]
Add: Sourcecache [Xman/Spike2]
Add: Switchable file color in options-display (no/text/back colors)
Change: [ZZUL-TRA] section in prefernces.ini

>> Please delete your old preferences.ini in config folder to have no trouble with old preferences.ini settings! << eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.3 ======================== 29.10.10 Add: Show part count in shared parts bar if show more controls enabled Add: Show spread part count in spreadbar if show more controls enabled Add: Make part count sortable Fix: Missing code in Average Queue Ranking Add: Show MinQR in download speed column if show more controls enabled Change: Replaced some zz code with official Fix: Some minor bugs Add: IntelliFlush (always enabled) [WiZaRd] Change: File Buffer Size increased a bit to 7,5 MB max. because of IntelliFlush [Spike2] Add: Powershare to statistic and tree [SiRoB/pP] Add: Spreadbar [Slugfiller] Add: Double click uncomplete files in SharedFile window display FileDetail [SiRoB] Add: Client percentage (morph/Xman) Add: Emulate other [???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2] Remove: Country name column in lists (you can see name in client details) Add: A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [sivka] Add: Overlay icon for share visibility Change: Icon ClientCompatible to ClientDefault (now "green cross" is only show for ClientCompatible) Add: Winsock2 Support [eWombat/eMulefuture] Add: ReAsk Sources after IP Change [Maella/Stulle] Add: ReqFiles [itsonlyme/David Xanatos] Add: Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2/TK4] eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.2 ======================== 24.10.10 Add: Check already downloaded files [MoNKi/Xman] Add: Downloaded History [MoNKi/Xman] Add: Don't Refresh item if not needed [SiRoB] Add: Remote queue status in uploadlist [Yun.SF3] Add: ColoredClientstate [Morph/JvA] Add: QRdiff [itsonlyme/Peace/JvA] Add: IP2Country [EastShare/MorphXT/Xman] Add: Draw date and time with defaultcolor [SiRoB] Add: See all sources [Xman] Add: Save/Load Sources [enkeyDEV/Spike2] Add: SourceDropSystem [Sivka/JvA] Add: Average Queue Ranking [Xman] Add: show # of dropped sources [Stulle] Add: Show Hash Progress [O2/Xtreme] Add: Set Server.met URL [pP] Add: NodeDatUpdate [pP] Add: Friendnote [CB Mod] Add: OldStyle StatisticsWindow [TK4] Add: ChatLog [CB Mod] Add: Open Log Folder from tools button menu


  1. #1 zeigasou
    2010年11月19日 周五 23:29 | 回复


  2. #2 madli
    2010年11月20日 周六 02:40 | 回复

    好多 mod 不过我的xtreme还好了 纯支持

  3. #3 Ejack
    2010年11月20日 周六 08:06 | 回复


  4. #4 Ejack
    2010年11月20日 周六 08:08 | 回复


  5. #5 zeigasou
    2010年11月20日 周六 08:26 | 回复


  6. #6 cddfsg
    2010年12月16日 周四 10:38 | 回复


    eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.8


    Add: Friendlinks [emulEspaa]
    Add: Session Download [Xanatos]
    Add: Manual Client Management [???/neomule]
    Add: UL Prio in downloadlist Slugfiller]
    Add: Import Parts [SR-13]
    Add: Relax on startup [WiZaRd]
    Add: ShowIP in client details [kts]
    Add: Some fixes for SOTN [WiZaRd]
    Change: Some minor fixes
    Remove: CPU calm down
    Remove: Sourcecache column in downloadlist

  7. #7 三弄
    2010年12月21日 周二 21:06 | 回复

    eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.9


    Add: SOTN optimization from SharkX v2.0B1 [taz]
    Add: Dynamic Block Requests [NetFinity]
    Add: Changed GHL slider to editbox
    Add: Missing prefs for IP2Country in Options-Extended
    Add: Auto update ip-to-country.csv on startup
    Add: Open file details in downloaded history with double klick
    Add: Bantime settable in prefernces.ini
    Add: Kad term cleanup [WiZaRd]
    Remove: Removed URL client [NetFinity]
    Remove: Slotcontrol
    Remove: Force upload slot
    Change: Mulelistctrl UI change m_crGlow to m_crEvenLine




  8. #8 囧王
    2010年12月22日 周三 01:09 | 回复

    eMule v0.50a Zzul-Tra v1.9




您可以使用eMule或eMule Mod(参见eMuleFans.com的Mod页emule-mods.de的Mod页)(Windows)、aMule(Win、Linux、Mac)等软件下载eD2k链接。可以参考这里的修复、关联eD2k协议链接方法
查看eD2k Link Selector WordPress 插件主页(中文)或WordPress.org插件页(国际)可以下载此插件或联系作者。
和:空格( )、+
选中所有名称中包含有“eMule”或“0.49c”字眼,但不包含有“exe”字眼的:emule|0.49c -exe
选中所有名称的开头是“eMule”,结尾是“0.49c”的:^emule 0.49c$
选中所有名称中带有“eMule 0.49c”的(必须是“eMule 0.49c”,中间没有别的字符,不能是“eMule fake 0.49c”),需要转义:"emule 0.49c"